It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of our colleague and friend, Allen Maynard, on the 5th of Feb 2025.


Al Maynard and Associates provide a range of professional services to the resources industry in mining, oil, gas, CCUS, green and blue hydrogen industries.

We specialize in Independent Technical Valuations, geological mapping, remote sensing applications, geochemical sampling, design and managing implementation of drill hole programs, prospect evaluations and tenement selection.

The latter are based upon sound geological, geochemical and geophysical criteria. We provide and appraise geological reports, prepare Prospectii and Memoranda to Shareholders, compile Quarterly Reports to the Stock Exchange as well as Independent Asset Valuations for listed and unlisted companies.

Al Maynard & Associates have worked as independent consulting geologists since 1980 and have contracted and consulted to listed Public Companies, unlisted Public Companies, Private Companies, Prospecting Syndicates, Individuals and Partnerships.