It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of our colleague and friend,

Allen Maynard, on the 5th of Feb 2025.


Al Maynard graduated from Curtin University (then the Western Australian Institute of Technology (“WAIT”) in 1978. Gained a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Geology. Have been continuously engaged as a geologist in the mineral exploration and evaluation industry since then. Worked on gold (Primary & Alluvial), diamond & other gemstones (Primary & Alluvial), coal, iron, mineral sands, industrial minerals, base metals (Ni, Cu, Pb, Sn, Ag, Zn) and platinum group minerals (PGM) projects.

Work experience includes all phases of Project Generation & Evaluation including field work; mapping, sampling, drill hole logging, prospect evaluations and tenement selection based upon geological, geochemical and geophysical criteria. Office work includes appraisal of technical data, resource estimates, geological reports, preparation of ‘Prospectii’ and Memorandums to Shareholders, selection and generation of project areas, compilation of Quarterly Reports to the Stock Exchange, Independent Valuations for listed and unlisted companies.

Corporate Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and meet with the Australian Securities Exchange Limited, AIM, LSE, JSE and North American (Canada/U.S.A.) requirements for reporting purposes for public listed companies (Includes NI 43-101).

Worked as an independent contracting/consulting geologist since 1980 and have contracted and consulted to Listed Public Companies, Unlisted Public Companies, Private Companies, Prospecting Syndicates, Individuals and Partnerships. Successfully prospected for gold as a private individual, in the Eastern Goldfields of WA which culminated in a public company mining that ground.

Prior to graduating as a geologist had work experience in the mineral exploration industry from 1968. This included: auger, rotary, percussion and diamond drilling as driller in charge of various rigs. Various types of survey work on a contract basis including gravity, magnetic and other geophysical surveys, gridding and contract claim pegging and tenement maintenance.

In summary, all phases of mineral exploration and evaluation work including geological, geochemical and geophysical processes from conception to completion of projects.

July, 2006: Joined the Board of Contact Resources Ltd (Contact Uranium, now Ram Resources Ltd) as Managing Director. Guided the company towards becoming “Energy Focussed”. Acquired a high-grade near-surface oxide uranium deposit in Peru and highly prospective uranium tenements in Kyrgyzstan. Resumed independent consulting work.

Within Australia, areas of major consulting works have included the Ashburton, Eastern Goldfields, East & West Kimberley, Gascoyne, Murchison, Musgrave Block, Officer Basin, Pilbara, South West and Yilgarn regions of Western Australia; Pine Creek, Tenant Creek – Northern Territory; Ballarat –Bendigo areas – Victoria; parts of southern and northern Queensland; western Tasmania; central and southern New South Wales and central and southeastern South Australia.

Remote sensing imagery and preliminary magnetic interpretation conducted over several of these areas and design and implementation of follow-up ground work.

Apart from all Australian States, consulting field work has also been carried out in Armenia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Greenland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of South Africa, Senegal, Serbia, Somalia, Turkey, USA (several States), Wales, Western Sahara, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

These works have included exploration and evaluation of alluvial and primary precious metals (Au, PGE), base-metals, coal, diamond & other precious stones and industrial minerals including bauxite, fluorite, iron deposits, limestone, phosphate, potash and mineral sands.

Desktop studies, in conjunction with Colleagues’ site visits, have included diamond/gold/iron/uranium projects in Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor, Fiji, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Laos, Mali, Namibia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Thailand.

Reasonably computer literate. (Office Suite, MineMap, Mapinfo, Surfer). Try to attend at least one short course or seminar yearly for ongoing self-education with particular reference to exploration methods and allied technical improvements and mineral property valuation methods and discussions. Self-employed continuously since 1980.